28% of fatal accidents
In 2019 28% of traffic fatalities were due to drunk drivers (36,096 total fatalities in 2019) (NHTSA)
Every 39 minutes
Every day, about 37 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 39 minutes. That’s a total of 13,381 people. (2021 NHTSA)
$20,000 DUI cost
After a DUI: impound fees, attorney fees, fines, time off of work, transportation, required treatment, ignition interlock installation fee, insurance increases and to top it all off you may ultimately lose your job and not be able to find a new one due to a DUI. This averages between $10,000 and $20,000 dollars in costs. (Dohman Law Group)
How It Works
Set your BAC threshold to access your key
You can set the blood alcohol content to one of 4 options. 0.00%, 0.02%, 0.04% or 0.06% BAC.
2. Place your your vehicle key inside the Safe.
When you arrive at an event you’ll be drinking at or even your home after work, place your car key inside the DUI Defender lock box right after turning off your vehicle. It’s large enough for all key fobs as well as traditional car keys.
3. Pass a BAC test and simply touch your Breathalyzer to the Safe to access your key.
When it’s time to head home from the party or that hot date you were on, to access your key, you simply press the “test” button, slide out the sanitary blow tube and blow into the breathalyzer. If you blow below the BAC requirement you just need to touch the Breathalyzer to the Safe to unlock it and reveal your car key.
What if the BAC test is failed?
If you should blow equal to or above the BAC requirement, a red light will illuminate and you’ll be unable to access your key. This is a good thing! You’ve potentially been saved from getting arrested for a DUI, crashing your vehicle or getting yourself and/or someone else injured or even killed.
“Too many good people are in jail who wouldn’t be if they had the DUI Defender. I’ve shared jail cells with these men for the same reason. My heart breaks for them and their families”
Kyle heaser | Co-Founder
Our mission is to globally reduce the amount of people driving while impaired by providing a tool that allows drivers to make a life changing decision while they’re sober.
This will save lives, prevent injuries and keep people from going to jail. It prevents drivers from ultimately from being separated from family, friends or from losing their jobs. On top of all of these things, this device will save people thousands of dollars in fines, increased car insurance, court proceedings and costs, lost wages and lost job prospects among other struggles and pains that come with acquiring a DUI/DWI.